1.0 Introduction
This chapter begins with a background of impact of motivation on the
commitment, performance and quality services delivery on banking employees in
Nigeria Money Deposit Bank and a brief on Fidelity Bank Plc. It highlights the
problem that motivate the researcher to choose the topic, and defines the
objectives, problem statement, purpose of the study, scope of the study and finally
it ends with the significance of the study.
1.1 Background to the Study
Everybody needs to be motivated in one way or another. Many managers and
leaders spend a great time learning how to motivate their employees. They explain
the organization vision to employees and influence them to behave in a way that
ensures achievement of organizational goal, through motivation. Effective
motivation is essential for the performance of any organization and a vital tool in
human resource management of every level, and in every activity. Without
motivation, employees cannot perform their work to the expectation of the
Employees are motivated to obtain outcome at work that will satisfy their needs.
In order to motivate a person to contribute valuable inputs to a job and perform at
a high level, a manager must determine what needs the person is trying to satisfy
at work and ensure that the person receives outcomes that help to satisfy those
needs when the person performs at a high level and helps the organization achieve its goal, Victor H. Vroom (2019).
Motivation is the set of forces that initiate, directs and makes people persist in
their efforts to accomplish goal. Chuck Williams (2018). It is again defined as the
forces either within or external to a person that arouses enthusiasm and persistence to pursue certain course of action Richard L. Draft (2019). According to Stephen
(2018), motivation is the willingness to exert high level of effort to reach
organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual
need. According to David Martin, (2017), motivation is the forces that energizes
behaviors, gives direction to behaviors and underlies the tendency to persist.
The definition recognizes that in order to achieve goals, individuals must be
sufficiently stimulated and energetic, must have clear focus on what is to be
achieved and must be willing to commit their energy for a long enough period of
time to realize their aim.
According to Gareth (2018), motivation may be defined as psychological forces
that determine the direction of a person's behavior in an organization, a person's
level of effort and a person's level of persistence in the face of obstacles.
Many organizations today realize the importance of motivation in an organization.
So, managers make motivation one of the factors that contribute to organizational
performance. This fact was supported by one employee survey which showed that
60% of employees believed that they can perform to their best effort and
contribute to the organization as expected, Jennifer (2019). Managers today do
not supervise their employees when performing work, they just motivate and the
employees will perform the work. According to Gareth (2018) organizational
performance increases as motivation level of employees increases which lead to
effectiveness and efficiency level of employees.
In a seminar conducted by Gareth and many other authors, managers appreciate the importance of motivating employees and may agree that organizations need to motivate employees in order for employees to perform better and to enhance their contribution to the organization hence leading to organization achieving its goal.
In industry, managers use variety of motivation techniques to promote cooperation between employer and employees. Such cooperation enables some
employees to satisfy certain needs by way of job security, career interests and
respect amongst others. Employee motivation is one of the key ingredients in
employees “performance and productivity” (Mullins, 2017). Motivating a
workforce of an organization to work more effectively and efficiently towards the
achievement of organization goals is perhaps one of the most fundamental tasks of
There are various motivational packages provided by banks in Nigeria, however,
there is anecdotal evidence of high staff turnover, because of the growing trend of
competition in the banking sector in Nigeria. This may be due to attractive
packages provided by new banks or general dissatisfaction of staff. Over the last
two decades, there has been a growing body of literature on the relationship
between the best motivational factors that promote employees’ commitment in the
banking sector in the advanced countries.
Employees are not much motivated with work contents, difficulties in operating
procedures and abandon the aspects of recognition Danish, R.Q. & Usman A.
(2020). Incentive may only motivate the employees intrinsically and there should
be a worth- while similitude and motivated working environment to groom the
organization (Cheng, W, & Robertson,2017).According to Chen, Gupta and
Chung (2019) there is a significant association between educational prospect and
altitude of employee commitment to affluent implementation of flexibility system to accomplish world-class development, a higher stage and greater variety of
proficiencies will be considered necessary by workers.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
One of the greatest challenges to human resource managers is making all
employees contribute to the success of the organization in a moral and socially
responsible way. Due to dynamic and competitive organizational environment,
organization needs to realize the importance and value of employees. They do not
have to consider employees as a cost but they as necessary people who should be
maintained and retained in the organization. As confirmed by the of Fidelity Bank
plc, Challenge Branch Ibadan, there are many problems associated with
motivation of employees towards their work performance which stem from a
number of deviant and work-related behaviors such as absenteeism from work,
labor turnover, delay from work, poor morale of performing the work. This is as a
result of poor working condition, lack of proper payment, unfair bank policies,
poor interpersonal relationship, tight supervision and lack of security. But later it
has been realized that motivation is of great importance and that it should be the
first thing to be considered. All these have contributed to poor performance of the
workforce in the organization.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of motivation on the
commitment, performance and quality services delivery by Bank employees.
The study seeks to:
Examine the importance of motivation on the commitment, performance
and quality services delivery on banking employees.
Examine the factors influencing motivation.
Examine the effect of motivation on employee performance.
Find out the challenges organizations face as they implement motivation.
1.4 Research Questions
Arising from the study, the following research questions will be carefully
addressed in the study:
What are the factors that motivate and promote employees’ commitment in
the bank?
What is the relationship between motivational factors and employees’
commitment in the bank?
What are the ways in which employees’ motivation can be encourage in
enhancing employees’ commitment?
What are the factors that hinder employees’ motivation in the bank?
1.5 Scope of the Study
The sustenance of the pact between the bank and its employees is collocated by
what motivates them and the fulfilment they derive from it. The study is limited
to Fidelity Bank Nigeria. The focal point of the study is on the work force to be
covered which comprises of contract, permanent and management staff.
1.6 Limitations of the Study
Time Constraints: One of the challenges experienced by the researcher is
the issue of time. The research had to judge both departmental activities like
seminars and lectures with the project work, but despite this, the researcher
was able to meet up with the deadline for the submission of the project.
Financial Constraints: Every research work needs funding. The researcher
struggled to get funds to complete this project on time.
1.7 Significance of the Study
The study is of great significance to Banks because there is a lot of competition all
over the world. Banks in different parts of this world are competing for the limited
resources that are available such as qualified and competent employees.
Therefore, banks may get a few tips from this project work which they can adopt
for their employees.
The study will be an addition to existing stock of knowledge asthe researcher has
benefited from the research he carried out because he has gone to the field with an
open mind, so he got knowledge experience, skill from the field and he became
more expert in the field. Since the researcher met people with different
experience, knowledge and skill, he has learnt more from them hence adding to
the existing stock of knowledge.
This project work will serve as a source of reference to future students who may
wish to undertake research on a topic similar to this.
This research work has also increased the researcher’s appreciation of motivation
in a workplace. In a nutshell, the study will enrich people’s knowledge in this area
of organizational behavior and management of people in the work place.
1.8 Definitions of Terms
Banking: Includes a wide variety of financial institutions that store the
money of individuals, businesses and other entities. Banks provide financial
services that help people save, manage and invest their money. Banking is
an industry that handles cash, credit and other financial transactions for
individual consumers and businesses alike.
Commitment: Is the level of enthusiasm a person has towards any tasks
assigned to him/her. It is the feeling of responsibility that a person has
towards the goals, mission, and vision of the organization he /she is
associated with.
Delivery: Is the act of transferring a commodity, currency, security, cash or
another instrument that is the subject of a contract. It is often used in
relation to derivative contracts such as futures and options.Employees: An employee is an individual who works for someone else in
exchange for compensation. The exact nature of an employee arrangement
is important, since the applicability of payroll taxes and responsibility for
their remittance depends on whether someone is an employee.
Motivation: Is a driving factor for actions, willingness, and goals. These
needs, wants or desires may be acquired through influence of culture,
society, lifestyle, or may be generally innate. An individual’s motivation
may be inspired by outside forces (extrinsic motivation) or by themselves
(intrinsic motivation).
Performance: This is the actual output or results of an organization as
measured against its intended outputs (or goals and objectives). It is a broad
field that deals with what an organization does and can accomplish when it
interacts with its various constituencies.
Quality: The standard of something as measured against other things of a
similar kind; the degree of excellence of something. Quality is the ongoing
process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating,
and fulfilling stated and implied needs.
Services: Are non-physical, intangible parts of our economy, as opposed to
goods, which we can touch or handle. Services, include banking, education,
medical treatment, and transportation make-up of the economies of the rich
Services Delivery: Is a business framework that supplies services from a
provider to a client.
Project Information
NGN 3,000Pages
1 - 5Program type
barchelors degree
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